Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Read this!! I'm sick and tired of this bullshit of bigotry. I posted this in my blog today!

Webster Unabridged Word of the Day:Autonomy 1. independence or freedom, as of the will or one's action. 2. The condition of being autonomous or the right of self-government, independance. 3. a self-governing community.

Today, an influential kid (who I have a lot of respect for) named Adam spoke a word that I heard maybe once or twice: Autonomy. As I proceeded to look this word up and found it’s definition, I was surprised to see how much this word had so many similarities to the events of today.

My mom took me to school and she was telling me that my sister getting a lot of flack for dating a Hispanic. Until a few months ago, I was blind to the stain of bigotry. I am stunned by the crap she’s getting; people threatening her, making comments to her face that are so un-called for. Her boyfriend Casey and I are not buddy-buddy, in fact at one point we were bitter enemies (we have a cease-fire � ). Anyways, when I didn’t like the kid, (note past tense….I was wrong when I thought he would have treated her like shit and the one who was being the ass was me) it wasn’t because of anything other then I didn’t like the fact that an 18 year old was dating my sister, and the rumors that people told me….NOTHING RACIAL!!!! I am well aware now that he’s a great person and I regret to the fullest extent for being such an ass.

My point is this, if you don’t like somebody, race should NOT be the issue. Oh, and stop making stupid threats.

I know I have recently posted something to this effect but it needs to be addressed. Our high school and little Village of Ashwaubenon has a huge problem with bigotry. The only difference is that we keep quiet about it because we don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings (quoted by an Ashwaubenon Soccer Mom).

Conclusion: Being blind to differences is the best path to follow.

That’s another thing I should bring up. People always make nasty comments behind peoples back. Not to sound paranoid but it happens to me a lot. Quite frankly I’m tired of it. I know I’m not an angel in this department but I wish others and myself would just knock it off and grow up!

So yes, I love to rant in my blog (you should see my journal….it’s a Pandora’s box), but someone’s got to do it.


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