Monday, June 27, 2005

yup. i had a pretty good fire by myself for the first part until i picked up dani at 9:45. it sprinkled on us a few times but we are tough. we had bloody penises and sweet melted balls. keith came over later and took her home but we sat out at the fire until 1:20ish. it was fun but i started it at 8 and so i was getting tired before i picked dani up. got up at 7 on sat and went to work with my dad planning to work on something of mine but spent most of the time changing oil and spark plugs on his vehicles and then got one of my cars in only to take it a part and then go home.

went to brenna's grad party at 4 and didnt get home until 11. the next day i got a call from her mom about 6 pm saying that she crashed her car into a mailbox and then into a teleophone pole but she was alright. i guess she fell asleep at the wheel not even a mile from her cottage because she didnt get enough sleep the last night because she procrastinated and didnt pack to go up north until some time after we left and then she drove an hour and a half to get up there. o well.


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