Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Maxi Marge is back from the dead......WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! So like yeah, I hope everyone is having a good summer. Glad to see Sexi is writing again. Glad to hear from you. I know I have been abandoning my administrative duties but I assure you all that we will revive this mofo of a blog. The end. HOOOOOOOOOOORAY!!!! Sexi is going to drive in her own marge mobile. GOOD LUCK CHILD!!!! Saudra, I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and hope you get unburnt. Sexi, I feel so special about the Harmonica. However, I threw it out because It was pissing me off. I'm going to learn the guitarica with daddy. Should be interesting. Mini, colorado is a beutiful state and I would love to live there. If there weren't so many people I would choose to live there for the rest of my life wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Well ttyl.

Good night marges


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