Saturday, March 06, 2004

The first post:
It's often interesting that we often cannot understand ourselves. There are things that we all have that make us different YET very much the same. Love is love and there is really nothing you can do to shut down the flame. I have finally realized this with mini, that I can't begin to explain what draws us so close to each other and some times stronger then the other. I think it's cool that you are able to come-out with your homesexuality and maybe you could share your stories with the supporting (trying to be supporting :) ) atmosphere of the TNT group. You are who you are and if you never need some one to talk too, let me know.

SECOND POST: My parents always drive me nuts and often times you have to look at all the things they've done to realize that they are good people......irritating....but good people. I find it hard to relate to my ever-so irritating parents. Oh well.

Have a good day Saundra.


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